Welcome To The ChoreVoyant Blog

Welcome to the ChoreVoyant blog! I’m excited to share with you tips on how to make “your day simplified,” what ChoreVoyant does, who we help, how we help, and the general happenings in our business. So, to start, I’d like to explain a little of what we do and who we help.
Simply put—we do a little of everything. Can’t get out and run the errands you’re “supposed to?” We do that. You might be thinking—“How can someone not have time to run their own errands?” A case in point, I sit here typing this while my original plan for today was to pick up the items I dropped off at the dry-cleaners last week, to return an item I ordered online, and to get to the grocery store. Have I done any of those things yet? No. Why? Because life happens. An email comes in saying that website content is needed right away. A client calls with a request that needs to be taken care of now. An elderly parent has run out of a desperately needed personal care item and wants you to get it for them as soon as possible. The reasons are endless.
The older we get, the more complicated it seems our lives become.
The older we get, the more complicated it seems our lives become. This is why I focus on helping those in mid-life and beyond. We’ve advanced in our careers and they have become more demanding; our parents are aging and need us for more things, more frequently; we or those around us have begun to deal with ongoing health challenges. So, with all that pressure, the last thing we need to worry about is picking up shampoo and a loaf of bread. Laundry and housework keep getting bumped to a tomorrow that comes only when your completely fed up with your closet or your house.
Let someone who “gets it,” get it or do it! All of the things I’ve described above—errands, laundry, housework—are a large part of what we do. While you’re more likely to call us when you’re stressed out—we’re there for you in the good times, too! We offer vacation services and party assistance as well. Anything that seems like a hassle, we handle.
I look forward to sharing more about ChoreVoyant soon. Welcome, and let us make your day simplified.