You get the benefit of our family values, our years of experience as educators, our passion for “the details,” and our care for your well-being.

ChoreVoyant is a family business, owned by Marcia and Larry Marino, operating in Bergen County, New Jersey. We didn’t start this business because we had a passion for chores; we did it because we are passionate about helping people and making their lives a bit better. In our careers as educators, we saw that families are under a tremendous amount of stress. Parents work long hours to provide financially for their children, and will go to even greater lengths to give their children the opportunity to explore and develop their talents. In addition to those demands on their time, parents may also be part of the 'sandwich' generation--where their aging parents also need care and attention. That's a lot to juggle!
We created ChoreVoyant to help people who are struggling with day-to-day tasks, whether they are over-booked, overwhelmed, or physically unable to do them.
By relieving families of the burdens of mundane tasks, ChoreVoyant gives them 'breathing room.' A chance to focus things that matter--quality time together, personal goals, self-care, being truly 'present' for each other-as opposed to focusing on how to schedule one more thing.

We created ChoreVoyant to help people who are struggling with day-to-day tasks, whether they are over-booked, overwhelmed, or physically unable to do them. We know that each household has its own rhythms, and that disruptions to those rhythms can come from a multitude of sources--starting a new job, a child adding a new club or activity, an injury or an unforeseen surgery, a divorce, to name but a few. Our aim is to help you maintain your routines and sense of normalcy, no matter what life throws at you.
We take the time to get to know the needs of each of our clients and we give them personalized attention. When you hire us for any service, you get the benefit of our family values, our years of experience as educators, our passion for “the details,” and our care for your well-being.