Time Saving Tips for Every Room of Your Home

It feels as if there are never enough hours in the day! Whether it is something related to work, a household task or errand, or even self-care--there is always something left undone. So, how can we make the most of the time we do spend on household chores? Check out the list below for some helpful hints!
- Sort Your Laundry As You Go. Use multiple clothes hampers/laundry baskets. Designate one for lights, for darks, and for heavily-soiled items or anything you're going to wash on a hotter or longer cycle. Laundry loads are ready to go!
- Load the Dishwasher in Accordance to Your Cabinets. What does this mean? If the cabinet where you keep your coffee mugs is to the right of your dishwasher, load the coffee mugs on the right side of the dishwasher. If drinking glasses are stored to the left, load them on the left side. Efficiency in action!
- Store Sweaters by Color. This tried-and-true method of organizing has been applied to closets for years. I have three sweater boxes that I use: one for black/grey sweaters, another for navy or light blue sweaters, and the other for any additional colors. You'll never have to guess where your favorite sweater is ever again!
- Iron Clothes Directly Before Wearing. This allows you to iron only what you need, when you are ready to wear it. Clothes that are being folded and placed into drawers or shelves will develop creases anyway; never iron twice!
- Have a Process When Washing Dishes By Hand. Whether you are using a dish rack or drying mat, having a process will prevent either from feeling like a Jenga puzzle when it is time to put the dishes away.
- Have One in Reserve. Which do you hate more--running out of something, or making a mad dash to the store for whatever it is you ran out of? Having an 'extra' personal care item or ingredient in reserve prevents either situation from happening. Taking an inventory of personal care products, pantry staples, or the perishables that you use up quickly make mean investing time before going shopping, but it will be time well spent.
- Start Meal Preparations with the Item That Takes the Longest to Cook. This will depend on the food itself, and the method by which it is being cooked. Use that menu item's cooking time to prepare the rest of the meal.
- Use 'Microwave Time.' Heating something in the microwave? Use that time to empty or load the dishwasher, fold laundry, or sort the mail. Don't worry if the task is not completed. Accomplishing something is better than nothing at all.

Perhaps the biggest time-saver is allowing yourself to delegate! ChoreVoyant can do that pre-sorted laundry, load and unload the dishwasher, inventory your pantry, and help you get dinner ready--to name just a few of our services. Cutting down on your stress is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. Why not invest the time to reach out to us and schedule your complimentary consultation today? The "Reserve" button under each category on our Services page will take you to my Calendly link for setting up the day and time that is most convenient for you.