Time Management Strategies for a Happy Household

Have you ever asked yourself, "Why does everything overwhelm me?" Maybe it's because there is so much to do when running a household. Every action that needs to be taken seems to have micro-steps that lead to the action being completed. Maybe the action that needs to be taken is, "sign the children up for summer camp." In order to do that, you may have to research which camp you'd like them to take part in. Sleep away? Sports-oriented? Town recreation department? Once you decide that, then you need to download the registration forms, fill them out, write a check to accompany the form, mail them. So many steps for one goal!! Who wouldn't be overwhelmed?
So how do you manage all of the activities of your household--with all their micro-steps--and still have the bandwidth to take care of yourself and just enjoy those you love? Here are a few strategies for managing all that goes on in your household in a way that cuts down on stress and resentment:
- With the other adults in your home, do a "brain dump" of the tasks you are each responsible for. Break each task into its micro-steps or sub-tasks. Share these with each other. Everyone may be surprised at what they learn! It's hard to be resentful when you realize how much goes into the tasks your partner is handling.
- Once you've completed your "brain dump," determine how you're going to categorize the tasks. You may want to use the Eisenhower Matrix, named for Dwight D. Eisenhower, as it is believed that he prioritized his tasks based on urgency and importance. The categories of this matrix are Do First, Schedule, Delegate, Eliminate. Experts suggest that each category contain no more than eight tasks.
- As for how you accomplish these tasks, time block in a way that works for you. Some people say "time blocking," and mean designating a specific number of hours to be spent on that particular activity--perhaps at the same time of day, or on the same day each week. If that feels like an impossibility for you, consider the Pomodoro technique. Blocks of time in this technique are usually 25 minutes, with a 5 minute break before beginning a different task. If even that feels overwhelming, look for what you can do in 10 minutes or even 1 minute! Micro-steps are just that--small--so even a brief moment devoted to accomplishing one of them puts you that tiny bit closer to a task being completed!
- Finally, I have said it before, and I will say it again--delegate!! If Dwight D. Eisenhower could delegate as president, or as the Allied Forces Supreme Commander during World War II, so can the rest of us. Wrangling your personal life might feel like a military operation, but in reality you are dealing with a much smaller scale when it comes to your running your household. Delegate those tasks that are urgent, but not necessarily important. The purchase of shampoo does not require your presence!
Delegating tasks is one of the most liberating things we can do for ourselves. While it may be hard to turn over "the reins" to someone else, that's why you need an assistant that listens, understands your situation, and helps in a way that takes care of the tasks without being intrusive. That's why you need ChoreVoyant. Check out our services and schedule a complimentary consultation today! We'd be happy to go through your "brain dump," or even walk you through it!