The Party's Over--Storing Those Extra Plates, Napkins, and Cutlery

When getting ready for some sort of at-home celebration--whether it is a barbecue, a holiday gathering, or a "milestone" (First Holy Communion, graduation)--there are usually left over paper goods from your last at-home celebration. Chances are, too, that they were not stored as well as they could have been. The corners on the napkins are folded in, the plastic cups have dust in them, and you have a ton of plastic spoons, but no forks. Because it is an odd assortment--things are not in good-enough shape to use, or don't match--we go out and buy more for this particular occasion, and begin the cycle all over again. There has to be a better way! And there is; I've done the research for you, and compiled the top tips for storing those paper/plastic party goods.
Tips for Storing Your Paper and Plastic Party Goods

- Start by sorting. Start with the item's theme--Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa, St. Patrick's Day, 4th of July, etc., then by color. Keep categories together--meaning, all of your 4th of July tableware together; those red, white, and blue balloons together; streamers and any other decorations together.
- Take a look at what you have, and get rid of what is not in good shape. As you sort, take note of those paper plates that are bent, napkins that would not inspire confidence in their user--toss or recycle them. You're not going to use them!
- Decide where your party goods are going to be stored. If you have sufficient space to keep all of your party goods in one spot, go for it! If not, you may consider storing some of the paper plates and cups that can be used more regularly (for example, plain white plates, or hot/cold cups) in your pantry. This way, they are handy enough to use when you don't feel like washing dishes! The event specific ones can be stored, alternatively, in a closet or some other space that is a little more out of the way--be it on shelving in the garage or basement. If you are storing in a basement or attic, consider how temperate those areas are. Moisture and/or excessive heat are not great environments for storing paper and plastic items.
- Once you've decided where to store your party goods, use appropriately-sized storage containers to hold them. This is important because you want the storage containers to fit the space in which you are keeping them. Height, width, and depth of you're shelving all need to be considered! The general consensus is that storage containers should be clear--so you can see what is in each container. Aim to use stackable containers as well, to save space. Containers should also have secure lids, to keep out dust, pests, and moisture.
- Depending upon how you've sorted your items, consider using dividers within those storage containers. This way small items will not get lost with anything larger. Think of those tiny bamboo appetizer forks or demitasse spoons.
- Label, label, label. Whether your containers are clear or opaque, label the side of the container--hopefully, the one facing out toward you--with its contents.
While all of this may seem like a great deal of trouble for disposable items, think of the money you have probably spent over time re-purchasing paper or plastic goods because they were in rough shape or missing! Organizing and proper storage are an investment worth making, as they will save you both time and money in the long run.
This process can also be applied to gift bags, wrapping paper, and seasonal decorations of any kind. Imagine being able to easily find anything you might need for an upcoming celebration; picture yourself stress-free as you prepare for your next gathering! It's possible with a little time and effort.
If you need an extra pair of hands to tackle this project, ChoreVoyant can help! We can sort either with or for you. We can run out for the proper storage containers, put the goods in the containers, and label them. Tired of running around setting up for your party, and then not even getting to spend time with your guests because your so busy managing the food? ChoreVoyant offers party help, so that you can spend more time with your enjoying yourself and less time working the party. Book a chat with Marcia here.