The ChoreVoyant Top Ten Travel Must-Haves

My philosophy of travel is that you deserve to feel as comfortable as possible when you are away from home. This includes, of course, physical comfort, but also psychological comfort. Personally, I feel more relaxed when I know that I have everything I could possibly need with me—in the event I don’t feel well, or get overheated, or feel like painting my nails 😊. I’m more at ease when I’m confident my potions and lotions aren’t going to leak or get confiscated by TSA. So it is with this lens that I present the Top 10 ChoreVoyant Travel Must-Haves.
Roll On

Roll-ons are great for travel because they are less prone to leak than anything packaged in a tube. Roll-on scents are great because they are small and TSA-friendly. The roll-on analgesic is less messy in its application—so there is less chance of getting capsaicin or any other irritant on your hands and potentially into your eyes.
Wipe Out

There are wipes available for every part of your body! That makes them super-convenient to stash in a purse or backpack. Being out sightseeing on a sweltering day can make you feel smelly and sticky. That’s why I love body-wipes! If you feel like your deodorant is letting you down, use a wipe, re-apply your deodorant, and you’re good to go. Yes, I am literally suggesting you have the wipes and your deodorant with you when you are out and about. The sights will be much more enjoyable when you’re not worried about body odor.
Alcohol wipes can be used for so many purposes—from cleaninga cut to sanitizing your cell phone. They are my favorite must-have—whether Iam gone for the day or for the week.
It’s Clinical

Clinical-strength antiperspirants often come in TSA-friendly sizes, regardless of brand. I have found that they do live up to their name and generally remain effective throughout a long day. This makes the need for wipes and re-application less likely.
Handy Dandy

Perhaps you run out of wipes during your vacation, or maybe they are tucked away in your carry-on, and you need something now. Hand sanitizer is that convenient something to make your hands feel cleaner after touching an escalator handrail, or using a port-a-potty at the weekend music festival. OTC, branded from your favorite local business, or DIY—hand sanitizers are always a must. Don’t leave home without it!
The Bottom Line

Let’s continue the hygiene theme. Maybe during the pandemic you installed a bidet attachment to your toilet. Without putting too fine a point on it, it adds an extra element of cleanliness. You can enjoy that same level of cleanliness with a travel bidet. This is especially handy when vacationing in a more rustic setting, like a rental in the mountains.
Tummy Trio

No one likes to feel out of sorts on a vacation, whether you are just a few hours from home or on the other side of the planet. Jet-lag, changes in what we eat, and anxiety can all affect our digestion. I always travel with a non-stimulant laxative, fiber supplements, and an anti-diarrheal medication, just to be certain that all possibilities are covered. Feeling your best makes any trip more enjoyable. If you are prone to acid reflux, you might want to turn this trio into a quartet by including an antacid or other acid blocking medications.
Safety First

For those road trips, mountain excursions, or beach getaways—having an first aid kit is essential. Cuts, scrapes, insect stings, and brushes with poison ivy can happen and it’s good to be prepared. Even if you’re flying somewhere and can’t take a full-size kit, packing band-aids, anti-bacterial ointment or spray, and a pair of tweezers in your purse or shave kit will go a long way in an emergency situation.
Hello, Sunshine

I hope that sunscreen is part of your daily routine, whether you are traveling or not. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, itis estimated that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen at the SPF right for you. With so many convenient sizes, formulations, and methods of application (spray-on, creams)—there is no excuse for not staying protected.
No Gym? No Problem!

Resistance bands are a lightweight, easy-to-pack piece of fitness equipment that’s great to have along on multi-day car trips, vacations where you’ll have the opportunity for a lot of cardio but not much else, or even ones where you may end up doing a lot of sitting (like chatting with family you haven’t seen in a while). Stay strong, my friend!
Nailed It

I rarely paint my nails, mainly because nail polish chips so easily. It seems like the only time I either get a manicure or do one myself is when I am heading on vacation! When the nail polish starts to chip, polish remover pads are an ideal take-along solution. Sealed packets won’t leak, and they lie flat enough to take up very little space in a make-up bag or purse.

I hope that these are helpful, and that you’ve discovered at least one item to try. If you need someone to pick up your travel favorites, or to keep an eye on your home while you are away, that is what ChoreVoyant is here for. We can help get you ready for your trip, watch the home-front while you’re away, and get your home prepared for your return. For a complete list of our services, click here. If you’re ready to have a conversation with us about helping, book your chat here.