Mom or Division Chair?

Larry and I had an interesting conversation recently. He observed that managing a household is a lot like running a division in a corporation! I found this incredibly insightful! Like me, he understands that household management is multi-faceted, complex, and stressful! Let's look at the components of running a household, and the skillset needed to lead your division.
Managing Your Division--Oops, I Mean Your Household
Operations: Operations in a business can be defined as "overseeing the day-to-day activities...including production planning and process optimization." This is a broad category that covers aspects of logistics, in addition to planning and "process optimization." Operations that moms might typically take responsibility for include:
- Schedules
- Transportation
- Maintenance--including cleaning, laundry, and dishwashing
- Meal Prep
As division chair, she is responsible for both determining and implementing the how, when, and where these things get carried out. She must strategize for optimum performance and efficiency, determining what--if anything--can be delegated, and to whom.

Logistics: Logistics comprise the bulk of mom's role as division chair. She is in charge of "the planning, implementation, and control of the movement and storage of goods, services, and information within the supply chain. Key aspects include transportation, warehousing, inventory management, and order fulfillment." It is really, really hard for me to not giggle at that definition--especially when I think of:
- Getting groceries and personal care items--whether ordering online or physically going to the store
- Putting away those groceries and personal care items
- Physically getting kids from activity to activity
- Enrolling the children in each activity
- Putting activities on the calendar--so that the whole family knows what is going on when
- Keeping track of what needs to be purchased
- Managing specific supply needs for each child--whether that is dietary restrictions, equipment for activities, etc.
Asset Management: In business, asset management refers to "tracking and managing the company's physical and intangible assets," and includes "maintaining records of all assets." In a family, the assets are each member. The assets known as children are "on loan" each day to their school. As division chair, mom must:
- Maintain documents, including academic and medical records
- Participate in the "joint venture" with the school, and/or any other coaches, tutors, and private instructors.
- Make sure all "assets" have the proper "valuation," so that transactions are conducted fairly. In other words, advocating for their child at school and at other activities.

Human Resources: Human Resources (HR) handles many facets in a corporation--from training and development to compensation, to resolving disputes, to fostering a positive environment, to establishing a "company culture." In the home, this means:
- Helping children navigate relationships outside the home
- Managing sibling rivalry
- Setting standards for behavior
- Instilling values
- Making sure all family members feel seen, heard, and valued
- Overseeing chores and distributing an "allowance"

Finance: Just as in a business, there is a financial aspect to running a home. Mom's responsibility on this front would include:
- Budgeting
- Planning--for those large expenses, be it a vacation, a new car, or re-payment of debt
- Bookkeeping
- Managing cash flow
- Accounts payable
Taking Cues from the Business World
As you can tell from that list above, your household is as complex as any business entity! While I address this to moms, it is important to note that managing a household is a tough job--no matter what the details of your particular situation are. A few examples of varying living situations might include:
- A single mom (or dad) will have to handle all of these responsibilities alone.
- Two working parents who are juggling responsibilities both inside and outside the home.
- A two parent family where one is the primary bread-winner, while the other stays at home. The operational, logistical, and asset management work of the home may be taken for granted.
But here is the big take away from business--there are teams of people handling these details! Each department within a division is staffed with qualified individuals. It is entirely permissible to hire help with household management, because you are the head of the division! As division chair, you get to make the decision on staffing your departments:
- Would hiring a cleaning service help "operations" run more smoothly?
- Would hiring a nanny make "human resources" and "asset management" more flexible?
- Would hiring a personal concierge give you the most "bang for your buck?"
How a Personal Concierge Can Assist the 'Division Chair' of Your Household

Because a personal concierge has such flexibility in their job, they can fulfill a lot of the demands of a busy, modern household. A personal concierge can be your chief of staff--coordinating the services of the other professionals you choose to invite in your home. A personal concierge can also be the "doer"--physically taking care of the particular operational, logistical, and asset management needs you delegate to them. Whether it is researching available resources or serving as one of the resources within your home, a personal concierge can help you--as division chair--run your household more efficiently, effectively, and with less stress. A personal concierge can assist you with a strategic plan to build that happier and healthier home front.
Here's to You, Mom/Division Chair!
ChoreVoyant recognizes all that moms do to keep their homes functioning at peak performance. Whether they are doing it on their own, with a partner, staying at home full-time, or putting in a second shift after working outside the home--moms, "mom life," or "mothering like a boss," deserves respect and appreciation. Running a household is so much more than food prep, chores, and errands. It takes people skills, the ability to multi-task and balance the "priorities of various stakeholders." It takes understanding of both the macro and the micro. ChoreVoyant thanks you for all you do!
Ready to add to your team? Make the executive decision to delegate some of the operational and logistical tasks to ChoreVoyant! If you are looking for a service that we do not offer, we are more than happy to help you vet the right nanny, cleaning service, or trades professional that can provide you with what you are looking for. Give us a call at (201)707-5813 or visit our "Services" page to find our more and book a complementary chat.