In-Between Days: Summer Winds Down

The In-Between Days
The Back-to-School ads have begun to pop up, the sun is dawning later and setting earlier. Welcome to the 'In-Between' days! Our brains, bodies, and schedules are in summer mode, but Labor Day will be here before you know it. So, it's time to savor the remaining weeks and to start getting ready for the "seriousness" that comes with September! Here are some tips for balancing preparation with fun and relaxation:
1. If you know your routine will be changing significantly in September, "practice" now. Whether that means earlier mornings, or more late afternoons, begin to ease yourself into that schedule. Start going to bed 5-10 minutes earlier, until you reach that bedtime you'll need in order to be refreshed for your earlier wake-up time. Do the same for your wake-up time as well; set your alarm for 5-10 minutes earlier than your present wake-up time. If it is your afternoons that will be busier, start scheduling meetings and projects for that time you're currently leaving free.
- Start (or keep) prioritizing weekends. If Monday through Friday gets more intense in work or family schedules come September, then begin planning those weekend activities that will refresh and energize you. If it is the weekend that intensifies--or let's be honest, every day of the week may feel more intense or actually be scheduled more intensely--then put some time somewhere in your schedule that allows you to relax or rejuvenate as you choose.
- Eat seasonally. While this is good advice for any time of year, I think it is especially important during late summer. There's so much great produce to enjoy! Whether it is peaches and plums or corn and tomatoes, those fresh peak-season fruits and veg can keep you in the moment, both nutritionally and emotionally. Switching your purchases from berries to peaches may help reinforce that summer is not yet gone, but time is moving along.
- Shake things up. Perhaps it's because I was a teacher and so tied-into the rhythms of Back-to-School, but September feels like a time to reset. Now is the time to start considering a new haircut or color! Research a new hobby, class, or activity to begin in September. Maybe you'll love your new look or activity--maybe you won't--but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- Take stock of what you need to let go of. Have certain things stopped bringing you joy? Whether it's elements of your wardrobe, a committee you serve on, or a 'frenemy,' the end of one season and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect on what you want more of, and what you want less of.

For Parents Especially
- It's not too soon to start looking for communications from your child's school. Now is the time to start visiting the website of your child's school. Important dates may be posted, including orientation days when students can visit the school, find their locker, their classrooms and so on. If their website has a parent portal, check there for forms that are due early in the school year.
- If your school is having an orientation, plan something special with your child afterward. Stop for ice cream, schedule a special play date, do a mother-daughter manicure, go to a park. Do something that might make getting through a new or scary or intimidating situation something to celebrate!
- If your child has a health concern, now is the time to communicate with the school nurse. Having worked in the public schools for thirty years, I know that it is a nightmare for school nurses to not have adequate information regarding medical conditions that impact your child. Whether it is asthma, allergies, vision or hearing issues--keeping the school nurse in the loop is critical to keeping your child safe during the school day. Also, make sure that they have any medications that your child may need in a health emergency--like asthma inhalers or epinephrine auto-injectors. Your school's nurse may not necessarily be in the building yet, but an email asking to speak with him or her would get the ball rolling.
- If your child signed up in the spring to play a musical instrument, place your order for their instrument rental, and buy any of the requested books and accessories. In many school districts, instrumental music lessons do not begin until after the first full week of school--or even closer to the end of September. However, waiting until the last minute to rent an instrument may leave your child at the mercy of the music store's inventory; this means your child may receive an instrument of inferior quality. Books may sell out. If you are in doubt about what to rent or buy, email your child's instrumental music teacher. If you're unsure as to who that is, check with the school secretary or any of the teachers listed on the school website for music. They will get the message to the correct person!
- Plan your child's "down time" for the school year. As new opportunities for your child to explore their talents present themselves at this time of year, remember that your child will need unscheduled time as much as you do! Activities like sports and music lessons have a structure and are goal-directed; it may take reaching a certain level of skill in order to find them as "relaxing" the way an adult might. Time for play, recreational reading, and creativity are vital to your child's success at being a kid!
As Summer Winds Down
As the sun begins to set on the summer and we approach the dawn of a new season, remember that ChoreVoyant is always here for you! As you take stock of what you'd like to let go of, you might want to consider what tasks you can delegate. Peace of mind comes from knowing that a task is completed--you don't have to worry about it!
Spend these remaining days of summer making memories with family and friends, not fretting about the stuff that needs to be ordered or returned, those household tasks that never seem to get done and are forever pushed to "another day." Take the time to dream, plan, and pursue; ChoreVoyant can handle your:
- School supply shopping
- Clothing returns
- Appointment setting
- Calendar management
- Dry-cleaning pick up and drop off
- Donation drop-offs
- End-of-season household tasks
Need more ways to make this September your best month ever? Click each topic for tips on time management, time-saving strategies for every room, and meal prep.