Flair, Not Fuss--Tips for Thanksgiving Decor

Maybe it's just me--but are you running out of steam on your Thanksgiving planning? There is so much to do if you are hosting the feast. You have to make sure your house is clean and tidy, plan the feast, shop for the feast, prep the ingredients, do the cooking--I'm exhausted just thinking about it! This is why I want the "eye candy," the decor--to be simple, easy to set-up, and not one more thing to add to my to-do list. This is my no-fuss, easy-peasy, you're-going-to-the-supermarket-anyway Thanksgiving decor ideas:
- Scented pine cones in a decorative bowl. Chances are you smell them before you see them--at the grocery store, or the pharmacy, along with their companion, the scented broom. The bowl can be whatever you have on hand--clear glass, wooden, ceramic.
- A bouquet of flowers in a vase. Supermarket bouquets can run the gamut from build-your-own--three small bouquets of differing flowers, usually for about the $8-15 range, to genuinely nicer ones for about $25.
- Various sizes of pumpkins
- Clove-studded oranges. These are typically used in December holiday decorations, but again, sitting in a bowl of your choosing--can still make for a pretty centerpiece. Studding the oranges can keep your hands busy while you're watching TV!
- A bowl with persimmons and pomegranates.
- A variety of pears and apples in a bowl.
If you'd like to put a little bit of effort (but not much) into your Thanksgiving decor, maybe a trip to your favorite craft store, discount store, or big-box 'mart' is in order. These places have pre-made wreaths, dried flower arrangements, figurines, glass pumpkins and pilgrims--to name a few things. Use this option as your budget and time allow.
Below is a sample of some tablescapes I did in my own home.