Back to School Shopping on a Budget

You've probably noticed it--the sun is coming up a little later and setting a tiny bit earlier. Articles are appearing in your online newsfeed about the latest trends for Fall. Before you know it, the kids will be back in the classroom. Time to start picking up those supplies! It's also time to start thinking about how to do it, without breaking the bank. I've done the research and here are the best practices for back-to-school shopping.
Time and Money-Saving Tips for Back-to-School Shopping
- Before you buy, check with your school regarding what supplies are required for your child's grade level. Many schools offer parents a list of specific items needed for their child's specific grade level. In fact, some school parent-teacher organization's (PTO's) offer a kit of school supplies that can be ordered at the end of the current school year for the up-coming one. If you were able to place that order in June, you are done with purchasing school supplies! If not, consult the list--then head out to shop.
- Check what you already have on hand. Did you buy a few extra notebooks last year? Is last year's backpack still in good shape and age-appropriate? Make use of those items that are still viable, especially if you can pass it along to a younger sibling.
- Swap items with other parents. If that Marvel Universe pencil case is too passe for your 5th grader, your neighbor with a child in 3rd grade might think it's the coolest thing ever! And Mom didn't have to spend a dime!
- Create a budget. Although you might not be able to hold off on purchasing supplies for your child, you can split your clothes-shopping budget into monthly increments. Purchase some outfits now, and some in September and October. Young ones grow quickly, and what you purchase today might not fit two months from now! Tweens and teens sometimes like to see what is hot with their peers, so it might be advantageous to see how that plays out before making all your clothing purchases.
- For binders, backpacks, pencil sharpener, calculators, lunch boxes, water bottles, and the like--think value, versus cheap. Let's face it, young ones can be hard on their stuff. Durability is a plus! Having to replace cheap items of inferior quality multiple times does not save money in the long run.
- Value can be found in the least likely places. For clothing, don't overlook second-hand stores. Sometimes, brand new items were donated because they were the wrong size, or didn't fit properly. Dollar stores, too, can offer some quality classroom supplies. You may have to invest time and make multiple stops.
- Shop early. Walmart has had school supplies front and center since mid-July. If you have your school's list, shop now--while quantity and selection are high. If you wait until the last minute, your only choices might be what's left.

Need Some Help?
If going from place to place for school supplies seems daunting, and dealing with crowded stores and parking lots overwhelming--give ChoreVoyant a call! Shopping is a specialty--crowds and long checkout lines don't bother us a bit! We can make sure that you get the right items, at your preferred price point, in plenty of time for the start of school.